13 November, 2012

Paleo Challenge Day 9

Day 8 review

Breakfast: 2 egg omelette with mushrooms  and Parmesan
AM Snack: -None as in client meeting all morning and all I had access to was my water...
Lunch: (done in two bites !) Apple first then walked the Dog.  After that a bowl of mixed nuts and grapes - the last about 2.00pm
PM Snack:(About 6.00pm!!) Apple and a bag of mixed nuts- rushing to take my son to his squash
Dinner: Ate another Apple and a 2 egg omelette - this around 8.20pm...

So a full on Paleo day albeit at various time....
Had my full 2.0 litres of water

Day 9 Crossfit

Muscle Session
Muscle-Up Progression - essentially how to get started on doing Muscle-Ups on rings
Tough using the "false-grip"

WOD - AQAP 3 rounds, 20min cut off
- 20 Dumbbell Hanging clean thrusters - I used 10kg DBs
- 20 Kettle Bell Swings - I used the 16kg
- 20 Pull Ups - I used a blue band
- 400m run

Hardly anyone finished it.... I manged 2 full rounds plus finished the KB Swings on the third

Weight this morning 87.2kg....

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