15 November, 2012

Paleo Challenge - Day 11

Day 10 review

Not a good day - a couple of Paleo slips (Kumura and vanilla essence/honey)
So food points only 2 !!  And my weight gone up a little to 88.0kg !!!

Breakfast: 2 egg omelette with mushrooms etc (same old thing)
AM Snack: apple
Lunch: Caveman Crunch - Not completely paleo - so slip onne and I don't think I ate enough
PM Snack: Apple
Dinner: Roast Chicken, Green salad, pumpkin, Broccoli, carrots, and kumura!!  and I had a late snack of some nuts and grapes... - Serving size was too large - the chicken was so nice and the roast veg too tempting....

Points today: Food 2 Water 1, and Crossfit 1 = 4

Day 11 - No exercise yet today - game of hockey tonight, and tomorrow I have a 4+ hour tramp up Mt Isobel near Hanmer

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