07 November, 2012

Paleo Challenge - Day 3

Day 2 review first...

A busy schedule but instead of eating crap I managed to stay strictly "caveman" and drank 2.0litres of water (on top a few coffees)
Breakfast: 2 egg omelet with mushrooms and sprinkle of Parmesan
AM Snack: Apple
Lunch: Bowl of Almonds, Walnuts, Macadamia, and Grapes 
PM snack: Apple again
Dinner: As I had 15 min to get it before heading out to school prize giving it was a repeat of breakfast
late snack: some almonds and grapes...

Day 2 score (4 + 1) 5

Post workout weight this morning.... 90.8kg  cool

Muscle Session:
3 Sets of 1 rep Push Press
my max today 65kg

WOD - AMRAP 10min (Paleo Benchmark WOD - so we do this one again in 6 weeks)
- 7 Thrusters 40kg
- 7 Push Ups
- 7 Box jumps  24"
- 7 Pull Ups
- 200m run

I managed 3 + 5 Thrusters
My technique and overall fitness will improve this and hopefully a big loss of weight too

I've done 3 Crossfit classes this week now so I get a bonus point which I will add tomorrow

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