06 November, 2012

Paleo Challenge - Day 2

Well not a bad start...

My weight this morning: 92.5 - dropped a kg since yesterday!!

Food diary: 5th November
Food:  Breakfast: 2 egg omelet with mushrooms and a sprinkle of Parmesan cheese + coffee
I use ghee as my cooking agent - nice butter taste
AM snack: Apple
Lunch: Bowl of mixed nuts (Walnuts, Almonds, Macadamia) plus a few grapes
PM Snack: Apple
Dinner: Nacho Mince (NO Nacho chips) with a bit of cheese on top - Did use a Tomato Sauce in a jar!!
late snack: handful of almonds

Didn't sleep too well - so getting the 7 hour sleep bonus points will be hard!!!

Points: 3

6th Nov Crossfit class
Strength Session 12 minutes of and on the minute
- Power Clean
- Hang clean squat
(I did this with 45kgs)

WOD AQAP 21 - 15 - 9 
- Hang Clean Squat
- Toes to Bar

My time 11.35 - very hard on my fore-arms today

Target today - Another 3 points from food choices and a point from 2litrs of water, and hopefully another from a 7 hour sleep!!

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