12 November, 2012

Paleo Challenge - Day 8

Day 7 review...

Well I have already written about this (see last post) last night as I lay in bed

Day 8 started with Crossfit

the WOD today was interesting...

3 x 10min "Death By..." 1st min do 1, 2nd min do 2, 3rd min do 3 etc to 10min

1. Box Dips
2. Strict Pullups(using band)
3. Hand Stand Push Ups

These were the scaled versions - I managed
1. 10
2. 6
3. 7

Big shoulder day but no sweating...

Weight this morning: 87.9kg  so after 7 days weight lost is (93.5 - 87.9) 5.6kgs

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