10 November, 2012

Paleo Challenge Day 6

Day 5 review

Breakfast 2 egg omelette with carrots and garlic
   Not as nice but didn't have any mushroom
AM snack. Apple
Lunch. 2 smallish Bowls of nuts and grapes
PM snack. Apple
Dinner. Steak, chicken thigh, and Green salad with Paleo dressing
Late snack. Bowl of grapes and nuts

Day 5 Points: food 4 water 1 = 5

Day 6....
More sleep last night.  Walked dog in morning
Weight 88.7 same as yesterday...

Day spent managing my sons cricket team
Breakfast. 2 egg omelette with old mushrooms I found and red pepper. Yum
No AM snack but breakfast was late and drinking water
Lunch.  Apple plus mix of nuts and grapes
PM snack.  Apple
Dinner.  Went out. Fennel salad with oranges in it, 3 tiger prawns done in garlic and chilli , and mushrooms stuffed with blue cheese.  All yum

I'll take a food 3 points for safety, water 1 = 4
Did my 1 min cold shower challenge, hope my teammates manage to get it done...

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