09 November, 2012

Paleo Challenge - Day 5

Day 4 review...

Similar day to tuesday food wise...
Breakfast: 2 egg omelet with Mushrooms and Parmesan
Am Snack: Apple
Lunch: Bowl of nuts and grapes and strawberries (yum yum)
PM Snack: Apple
Dinner: rushed for time so 2 egg omelet plain, with 3 left over chicken drumsticks
Late snack: small bowl of nuts and grapes plus a couple of small pieces of Blue and Gouda cheese(yum)

Yes - still managed the 2.0 litres of water, and did more as I played Hockey last night (awful game we got whipped 12-1)

So day 4 points: Food 4, Water 1 = 5  Cumulative total 17

Day 5 started with Crossfit

Strength Session: 3 sets of 1 rep max Thruster
pushed mine to 65kg - cool

WOD - "Fran"  AQAP 21 - 15 - 9
- Thrusters (Rx 40kg) I did it with 30kg
- Pullups (I used the Red band)

my time: 6.30

Weigh In: 88.7kg  (Had to look twice as I wasn't expecting that sort of drop...)

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