05 November, 2012

Paleo 6 Week Challenge - Started!!

OK - Been a BAD BAD food week culminating in a VERY BAD weekend.  Road trip to Dunedin over the last two days to pick up my daughter was fueled by takeaways and sweets in the car.....

OK - Last week I signed up for the 6 week Paleo challenge and it starts today.  Point scoring system to keep us on track.  Good thing as my weight this morning 93.5kg !!! OMG - I packed it on.  Seems my body is ideally suited to storing sugar and grains straight to fat... - My shirt and trousers are a little tighter than this time last week.

Did the 6.00am WOD this morning.  Knee was a little stiff and painful on certain exercises - hopefully no swelling into tomorrow...

Strength Session
3 Sets of 3 Reps Thrusters
I started on 40kg, then 55kg, and finished on 57.5

WOD - 3 rounds (18 min cutoff)
- 50 Air Squats
- 50 Situps
- 50 Double Unders (scale 150 singles - which I did)

My time: 16.56

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