18 November, 2012

Paleo Challenge Day 12

Day 11 review (Thursday)

Started the 24 Hour No TV Challenge
Played Hockey in the evening - Then Band Practice

Breakfast: 2 egg omelette with Mushrooms/Parmesan
AM Snack: Apple
Lunch: Mix of Nuts and Grapes
PM Snack: Apple
Dinner: 2 eggs omelette
No late snack

Had the 2.0litres of water

Score today Food 4 and water 1 = 5

Day 12
Up early to head for Hanmer
Exercise today was a 5 hour tramp up Mt Isobel at Hanmer
I took two apples a mandarin and bag of mixed nuts - It kept the energy up
I also took 2.25 litres of water in a hydration pack but only got through 1.25l during the walk so had to keep the water going later into the evening

Later we had Indian takeaways with the friends from the walk - No Alcohol !!! but did have the indian and tried to limit the rice

Food score on day 12 - a 2 and water a 1 = 3

But did complete the 24 hour no TV Challenge

Weight at beginning of Day 12 87.4

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