30 November, 2012

Paleo Challenge Day 26

Day 25 review

Breakfast: 2 egg usual
AM Snack: Apple
Lunch: Nuts and some grapes
PM Snack: Apple
Dinner:  Roast Lamb and Broccoli Courgette Carrots and a couple of kumura(oops) - probably ate too much lamb

Played Hockey last night - lots of good energy, even after the "Chelsea" WOD that morning!!!

Points:  Food  3 Water 1 Crossfit 1 (thats 3 for the week) = 5

Day 26

Crossfit this morning
Strength Session
Team Heavy Tire lift sprint - in teams of 3 - 2 x 30m
A bit of fun - cold and fingers were all blue

WOD - Interval Running with 90 sec rest
- 200m
- 400m
- 800m
- 1000m
- 800m
- 400m
- 200m

my times from a sketchy memory: 32sec, 1.07, 2.41, 3.32, 2.44, 53sec, 31sec - Total 12.00min
3.8km !!  Coach made us do a 400m as part of warmup as well  so total for today 4.2km

Weight this morning: 86.6 - same as - probably the lamb!!

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