26 November, 2012

Paleo Challenge Day 21 (end of 3rd week)

Day 20 review

Food: all over the place....
Breakfast (around 9.30) 2 eggs omelette roll
AM Snack, and Lunch and PM Snack (All during cricket): 2 apples, 2 oranges and nuts...
Dinner: Porterhouse steak and 2 sausages and green salad
Late snack after coming back from Band Concert : Fruit salad with some yoghurt (Yum)

Points: Food 4 water 1 = 5

Day 21 (Sunday)

Late-ish start.  The family went for breakfast at Joes Garage in Sumner
I had a flat white, mushrooms bacon eggs and a small amount of bread(argh)
No lunch - but did get started on water
Went to Mum and Dads for afternoon tea - another coffee and som egrapes
Dinner: Cold meats, and green salad and some Crumbed Fish fillets from a box - not so good, and a small glass of red wine

Points: Food only 2 just, water 1 = 3

 End of 3rd Week Point total: 34

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