29 November, 2012

Paleo Challenge Day 25

Day 24 review (Wednesday)
Breakfast: Usual 2 egg omelette etc
AM Snack: Pear
Lunch: Nuts and apple
PM Snack: Apple
Dinner: Sausage meatballs and green salad - tomato sauce was from bought jar!!
Late snack: Pear  (Yum)

Food points better be 3 I suppose, Water 1 and Crossfit 1 = 5

Day 25

Started with an extra Crossfit class - wouldn't usually do a thursday morning but was feeling good
Strength Session 3 sets of 3 reps weighted strict pull ups
I did it with Body Weight only using under hand grip - getting better at this

WOD 30 min of "Chelsea" on the min (as in a Chelsea every minute)
- 5 Pull Ups
- 10 Push Ups
- 15 Air Squats

Count what min you got through to then rest and start again....
After the 15th min Coach allowed Do it one min and rest the next(Alternate mins...)

I got through to round 8 - it was hard I only had 10sec rest before the start of the next minute so heart rate was up high without pause basically - I rested for 3 rounds then started the alternate mins
So I think I did 18 "Chelsea's"  That's 90 Pull Ups (No Band Yahoo!)  180 Pushups, 270 Squats

Weight: 86.6  - same as yesterday

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