27 November, 2012

Paleo Challenge Day 23

Day 22 Review

Last day for Micheles parent stay.... - Been difficult food and living wise - routine out the door

Breakfast: 2 egg omelette etc
AM Snack: Apple
Lunch: 2 eggs and bacon and espresso at Drexels with Michele and her parents
PM Snack: Apple
After work I felt hungry and had some nuts and grapes, (probably too many) but I needed something
Dinner - went out as it was Harveys 72nd birthday to Lone Star.  I had the Pork ribs (9 of them) plus some coleslaw - plus a taste of his pavola

Food points: only 3 water 1 and crossfit 1 = 5
food was paleo but too much and not at right times of day...

Day 23
No exercise this morning - legs feel better and will be good as by tonight

Didn't weigh myself today - I know it would be bad - so today - back on it - plan to have green salad for lunch etc and a light dinner
Fingers crossed for tomorrows visit to the scales....

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