18 December, 2013

mid-week already

Interesting that I can't get the daily updates in here if I workout at lunchtime....

So yesterday(Tuesday).... weight was 90.2 shit!!!
And at 12.15 did the class
"Filthy Fifty"  (30min cut)
- 50 Box Jumps
- 50 Jumping Pull Ups
- 50 KB Swings
- 50 Walking Lunges
- 50 Knees to Elbows
- 50 Push-Press 20kg
- 50 Wall Balls
- 50 Burpees
- 50 DUs

I finished but not within time  32.10   I did Rx it when most didn't
DU's at the end were good

Now its Wednesday
Weight this morning 89.6
Going to do the 12.15 class again

16 December, 2013

Last full week before xmas break

Been a good weekend

6.00am class this morning

Strength session:  1RM C&J
Only 15min to work this up after skill drills
Posted a 80kg - same as about 3 weeks ago

WOD: 10min AMRAP
- 8 Box Jumps
- 12 Thrusters (rx 42.5kg) I went with 35kg

I think I did 7 rounds...

Weight this morning 89.6 - pleased about that after the drinking/eating weekend I had

12 December, 2013

Sweaty Thursday

Weight this morning 89.3...

Mid-day WOD
basic warmup then a few practice moves for the WOD and then we were into it

AQAP (25min cut)
- 25 HSPU
- 50 TTB
- 800m run
- 75 Push-Press 35% of 1RM so approx 25kg
- 150 DU's
- 400m run

Gutsy WOD - my time 24.10   stoked that I did the 150 DU's

11 December, 2013

Good start to Hump Day

Weight 88.8kg - not bad considering the crap I ate last night - must have been very down on carbs

I did yesterdays Sweat Fest Tuesday:
- 400m run
- 50 Wall Balls
- 400m run
- 50 Bear Crawls
- 400m Run
- 50 Knees to Elbows
- 400m run
- 50 Burpee Box Jumps
- 400m run

time 28.11 - a tough bastard

This morning...
Strength Session:
Front Squats  5 - 5 - 5ME
Pushed the warmup along and then did 90 kg 8 reps

WOD - AMRAP 15 min
- 50 Push Ups
- 50 V-ups
- 50 KB Swings
- 50 Air Squats

managed 280 reps

09 December, 2013

Two more weeks before Xmas (sort of ) starts

Two more full weeks.  Not ikely to do much in the 2 days before Xmas Day (Thats Mon/Tue)

This morning:  6.00am
Strength Session:  Push-Press
15min to find 1RM - managed 80kg

WOD - 12min AMRAP
- 10 Thrusters (Rx 55/35) I did it with 45kg
- 10 TTB
- Clean & Jerk - kg as above

Manged just short of 3 rounds...

weight: 89.9  gosh - I'm all over the place with this

06 December, 2013

Been a tiring week

Muscles are sore this week - somehow everything was stepped up

Weight this morning 89.3 - yeah I had bad food experience last night (KFC) - back to healthy tonight and rest of weekend (except for wine)

This morning we did Snatch drills - supposed to be 5RM, but I stuck to 40kg and worked technique.  Got some great tips from the coaches

WOD - 10min AMRAP
- 15 HR Push Ups
- 15 KB Swings

Managed 7 rounds

05 December, 2013

Lunchtime sweat fest!!!

Did the 12.15 class today
A body weight Crossfit WOD - a nice change

AQAP 35min cut off
- 100 Box Step Ups 24"
- 90 Double Unders
- 80 Mountain Climbers
- 70Air Squats
- 60 Situps
- 50 Walking Lunges
- 40 Burpees
- 30 Box Jumps 24"
- 20 Push Ups
- 10 Pull Ups
- 200m run

time 25.29  Finished last but there were some notable achievements
1. 90 DUs  did them all.  The scale was 220 singles
2. did all the Pull Ups without a break and while 10 isn't a lot, after all the rest I was feeling shagged!

Weight this morning 88.8

Reducing DOMS - good article


04 December, 2013

Two great Met-cons

Did the 12.15 class yesterday

35min endurance met-con
5 rnds
- 200m run
- 10 Jumping Lunges
- 5 Jumping Pull Ups
4 rnds
- 200m run
- 10 Box Step Ups
- 5 Burpee Knee Tucks
3 rnds
- 200m run
- 10 Box Jumps
- 5 HSPU (I scaled and held handstand 20+sec)

My base time was 31.35
then you had 1 min rest and the balance of time was 30sec Situps 30sec plank
F'ing hard grind - those 200m runs were a killer

Then this morning
Strength was 3 sets of 5 Strict Press - not so good just 55kg barely

WOD - "Nancy"  16min cut
- 400m run
- 15 OH Squats (Rx was 42kg) I did it with 30kg - feeling a little sore from last two days

My time 15.37  The OHS were good form which was pleasing

Weight 88.1

02 December, 2013

Last month of the year - count down to Xmas break

Good lifting day

We had 30min to find 1RM Back Squat
PR'd 130kg !!

Met-con WOD  10 min AMRAP
- 8 Power Cleans 50kg (Rx 60kg)
- 16 Burpees

did 5 rounds

Weight this morning: 88.9