16 July, 2013

energy and heart rate - met con

Wondering what level of heart rate and pushing myself - what level is appropriate for my age and fitness level.

I'll explain below

WOD 1:  Ring Dips
5 - 5 - 5 - 3 - 3 - 3
Getting better at these - need to work on them at home tho

WOD 2:  10min EMOM
- 5 Deadlift
- 5 Power Clean
- 5 Thrusters

picking a weight that allows for some rest in the minute
I went with 40kg - easy enough weight - but had to rest on the 6th set and change weight to 30kg
The first 3-4 sets I had 25sec of rest but it wasn't enough time to recover enough to get through all the sets
Heart slowly rose during those first sets (well it went up a lot then down a little each rest period, but not enough - so the next set started at a higher level etc)
The WOD looked simple but picking the wrong weight had huge ramifications...

My Weight: 89.3

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