22 July, 2013

A few kgs back on... but worth it

Brass Band Nationals are over for 2013.

Lots of drinking and some dodgy eating...
Tried to keep clean during the days with protein shakes, but the flavour of whey powder i took wasn't that nice

While in New Plymouth I managed two Crossfit classes with Born & Bred Crossfit.  Thanks to Coach Shane

Back into regular programming this week and lets see if I can be 88.? something by Friday

Todays WOD
Back Squat - 15min to find 3RM  hit my PR 120kg.  nice

Then a couple of finishers
Single leg lifts 40 each

50 situp/get up (Nira modified this a bit to be getup and OH a 20kg plate)

Weight this morning (after two shakes and a big coffee 91.3 (so say take 1.0kg off for the liquids) probably 90.3ish

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