15 July, 2013

Band Contest Week

Off to New Plymouth on Wednesday...

have a few client things to do while there - so happy it's a paying trip, otherwise - looking forward to hearing some good band playing and a few solos maybe

Monday's WOD
20min AMRAP Crazy Cindy
- 30 sec shuttle run
- 5 Strict Pull Ups
- 10 Killer Push Ups
- 15 Air Squats against the wall
- 30 Sec mandatory rest

Managed about 8 rounds...
Strict Pull Ups are still a weakness - so used a band
Killer Push Ups - are with one knee up against elbow
Squatting agant the wall forces you into a better posture - I'm cool with that as my posture getting good now - more flexible in the hip/knee department - I can keep my back more upright

Weight: didn't measure!

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