01 August, 2012

A new month

OK - I have managed to do 15 Crossfit classes in each of the previous months.  Yes the first month was short as I only started on the 8th of June.  The beginning of July was buggered due to illness.

So, here is hoping the August goes smoothly

Todays WOD
10 rounds for time  (AQAP with 15 minute cut-off)
The rounds were a falling number 10 - 9 - 8 - 7 - etc
Front Squat 45kgs
Kettle Bell Swing 16kg

Nutted it out in 9min 22sec - massive sweat on.  Then coach had a us do a cruel finisher Burpees and Wall Throws....

Crossfit was at lunchtime - and this morning I did another 6km run roughly 35min

oh - and the weight this morning 89.8kg  on track...

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