24 August, 2012

Another great Friday Finisher...

Todays weight 88.5 again !!!

WOD - AQAP 30min cut off
- 30 Walking Lunges
- 30 Pull Ups
- 30 Box Jumps (20")
- 30 Double Unders (I did the 100 Single skip option)
- 30 Ring Dips (I did the 30 Box Dips with feet on Med Ball)
- 30 Knees to Elbow
- 30 Ab Mat Situps
- 30 Medicine Ball Cleans against wall 8kg ball
- 30 Swimmers
- 30 Wall Balls (Squat and throws- up 12 feet)
- 3 15ft Rope Climbs (I managed 2 and then did one of the optional 30m bear crawl)

My Time 23.44 - A great work out

That wa the first time for rope climbs.  I did nearly 2 during the warmup and by the end of the WOD I didn't have enough strength left in my arms to do all 3 - but 2 was fantastic!!

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