06 August, 2012

Still feeling muscle weary/sore...

Start of the second week.  The Friday WOD is living on in me... The muscles around my shoulders are still sore.
Didn't weigh myself over the weekend.
Went skiing on Saturday - went hard for half a day, best snow so far this year.  Knackered.  Ate reasonably well, until the rugby game that evening where I drank a few too many beers and snacked on chips,nuts etc
Oh well...

Sunday I was back on the "wagon".  Ate an egg and bacon breakfast around 11.00 then had just apples and a handful of nuts as snacks through to tea time.  We had so many left overs from the last 3 days, we didn't have to cook any tea.  So I had some beef bourguignon and roast veges re-heated - very yummy. About 45min of Squash with Michele and then a couple of glasses of wine before getting to bed

This morning (like last week) I got up and went for a 6km run.  I'll do the Crossfit class at lunchtime.  I also have a game of hockey tonight - SHIT !!

Anyway - the good news.  Scales said 88.6kg this morning (2.7kg loss in a week - I'm happy with that)

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