03 August, 2012

Friday finisher...

Friday seems to be an intense workout day - aerobic...

First thing though - Weigh in this morning 89.2kg - same as yesterday - got to be careful

20min of a WOD called "Chelsea"  (nb: many of the WODs have names)
5 Pullups
10 Pushups (breaking)
15 Air Squats

Start a round on every minute- I got to 10 rounds (10 minutes)
Then a rest minute, then we got to carry on at scale
4 - 8 - 12 of the above.
So for the remaining 9 minutes I smashed them out at 4-8-12 etc

What did that work out to be:
86 Pullups
172 Pushups
258 Air Squats

Whats an Air Squat?  A squat without a weight....

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