20 August, 2012

Not today Josephine!

But I did go Friday and Saturday.

My weight Friday morning was the same as Thu 88.4 - but today 89.9 !!!!

Why - well I went along to a mid-life stag do where drinking lots of beer was in...
I think I put away about 9 pints - probably over 5 litres of beer  SHIT

I knew I was going so I laid off the food big time, and Sunday - well I was nicely hung over so didn't feel like much anyway....
Back on the food and drink wagon.

Saturdays WOD was a grinder...
400m fast as you can - this got us into teams of 2
10min AMRAP (I was teamed up with Nicci - young fit etc)
- 10 Thrusters 40kg for me / 25kg for Nicci
- 10 push ups
- 2 Burpees

We managed 9 rounds - It was a killer on the shoulders

Then to finish - Another 400m sprint
One min Burpees of death
1km warm down run...

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