22 August, 2012

Now its wednesday

Yesterdays (Tuesday) WOD
15 Min AMRAP
- 5 Pull Ups - Strict
- 10 Box Dips  (Rx was Ring Dips)
- 15 Sit Ups

Got through 7 complete rounds and nearly finished the eighth
I was a funny feeling session....

Now its Wednesday.  Had great plans to getup and go for a run, but fell asleep straight after turning my alarm off - so Not today

Weight this morning 88.5 - Good...

Lunchtime CrossFit
AQAP - 3 rounds - 12min cut off
- 5 Thrusters 40kg (Rx was 45kg)
- 10 Kettle Bell Swings 24kg
- 5 Thrusters 40kg
- 10 Kettle Bell Swings 24kg

(yes - it's actually 6 rounds of 2 of those.... - anyway, that's what was written down)
My time 7.05
I should have Rx'd it - but my shoulder was feeling weird and better to keep inside my known capability

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