31 July, 2012

Awful weather - great WOD

Todays WOD - Overhead Squat

Nice big warmup - outside its raining heavily...

Overhead Squat
5 Sets withe these reps 5 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 1 (and an extra 1)

Straight out strength and technique
Locking out the arms above your head and keeping it straight up while you go done into a full squat and back up again
I started at 30kg which seemed light, but when I built it up to 45 the set of 3 reps felt hard
Doing a single rep seemed easier as that's all I needed to focus on

Coach allowed us to do an extra 1 rep set to see if we could push it higher - that allowed me to get up to 55kg - Very nice.When your holding the weight up over your head the technique becomes very important!!

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