27 August, 2012

A beautiful day - to sweat...

Weather might actually be on the turn for the better
I could walk to Crossfit (lunchtime) in just my shirt (as in no need for a jacket)

WOD AQAP 20minutes
-  1000m run
then 21 - 15 - 9 of
- Kettle Bell swings 24kg
- Toes to bar
- 300 single skips (cause I can't do 100 Double Unders yet...)

My time 17.45
This one is a big workout on the wrists and fore-arms.  gripping the bar for the ToesToBar is difficult after doing the KB Swings.  Your hands are having to do a lot of gripping

The 1000m run gets the heart rate up and then the 21-15-9 just keeps it up there, and then absolutely finished off with skipping!!!

Still - good stuff

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