29 August, 2012

Spring comes early

Another great day - wish I could hang out at home....

Well yesterday I started the day at 89.1kg which was my number from Saturday morning...  so maintaining that over the weekend and into beginning of week was a good effort considering the food etc that I consumed

Yesterdays WOD
Muscle workout and a small AMRAP

Muscle WOD
- Deadlifts 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 progressing to maximum

I started at 80kg and worked it up to 125kg - a new PB, very cool

6 min AMRAP finisher
- 10 Lunges with 15kg plate held above head
- 10 Breaking Push Ups

Managed 7 rounds - a good sweat up to close the Crossfit class

I'm writing this up the next day and I did a small 4km run this morning as my butt and inside leg muscles are feeling yesterdays workout. (and I did a 6km run yesterday morning as well plus the game of hockey the night before - obsessed - nah !!)

This morning weight 88.5 - so looking for another drop for tomorrow....

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