15 August, 2012

Arms shaking after that one

Well - my weight fluctuating - 89.6 ...

Todays WOD was a real mix up

3 parts to it

1. 5min AMRAP  (I managed 4)
- 5 Handstand pushups
-15 Wall Ball

3min rest

2. 5min AMRAP (I managed 5)
- 5 box tricep dips with feet up on a ball
- 15 Kettle Bell swings (I used 20kg KB)

3 min rest

3. 5min AMRAP (I managed 3.5)
- 5 Pull Ups (Strict)
- 15 Situps (full crossfit version)

The last AMRAP was hard as my hands were shaking from holding the kettle bell.  I did the pull ups with a green band

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