14 August, 2012

Last third of the 21 day challenge

Well its the start of the last third (7 days) of the 21 day challenge that I decided to put myself on

Argh - I didn't stay disciplined over the weekend...  Although I thought I would have been OK.
I did put back a few glasses of wine on Friday/Saturday and Sunday nights - but didn't eat more than I usually do...
I didn't get a run in on Monday morning and weighed in at 90.1 - yep a little depressed at that

Did Crossfit class at lunchtime yesterday and a game of hockey last night.  Ate left over lamb roast (yes with the veges as well) for both lunch and tea - This morning I was feeling a bit tired still so didn't get up early
Weighed in at 89.2
Anyway - I still have 1.5kgs to lose to get to where I was at the end of last week nd I DO want to be further on than that when I get to the end of 21 days (next monday).  So better start planning on a disciplined weekend

Yesterdays WOD
15min AMRAP
9 Deadlifts 75kg
12 Pushups
15 Box jumps 24inch

and yes these were the Rx numbers - while I was the slowest getting through this I was happy that I didn't need to scale this one. I did 5 complete rounds, and was within 5 box jumps of completing the 6th !!!!

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