02 August, 2012

Good and intense!

Hi again,

Well managed a short run this morning 4.0km - legs feeling tired from this week already

AND - went to Crossfit at lunchtime

Todays WOD  AQAP 20min cutoff
100 Double Unders (DUs)  This is skipping.  the scaled version was 250 single skips!!
20 - 16 - 12 - 8  - 4  Overhead Squats
20 - 16 - 12 - 8  - 4 Toes to Bar
100 (DUs)  The scaled version was 250 single skips!!

I haven't mastered DUs yet so single skips it was - 500 in all!!!
The Overhead squats were a big sets - I did this with 30kgs
Time: 16.14 

Weight:  89.2 - good!

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