30 August, 2012

Arms are now hurting

Todays workout backing up from yesterdays rope climbs absolutely killed my arms.

When I say arms - I feel it in the ligaments/tendons.  They are being pulled hard and they sometimes don't have much give...

- 5 Cleans 50kg (rx was 65)
- 10 Toes to bar
- 15 Wall Balls - 9kg medicine ball squat and throw up 12 feet

managed 6 full rounds plus up to the 5th TTB

A good workout - even if it was a struggle to carry my bag back to the office

Should have written this yesterday

I'm getting out of sync with my write ups.  Its now Thursday and I'm about to tell you about yesterdays Crossfit class

But the bad news - my weight this morning 89.2 shit - Its the eating at night that screws things up - the desire to snack is huge (and the glass of wine I shouldn't have had...) - So this morning I made myself a huge lettuce salad for lunch - and will be doing housework tonight to divert my attention from eating...

OK - yesterdays WOD 15 min AMRAP
- 5 Thrusters 40kg (Rx was 70 for men 43 for women)
- 1 Rope Climb

I managed 7 rounds.  My rope climb was "near" the top so a little scaled
Felt like my arms had been shredded

I have a huge problem with thrusters - the position of my hands on the bar from the squat position transferring to the push press is awkward.  The lack of flexibility in my wrists/shoulders is limiting my weight progression.  I can squat a much higher weight, and I can Push Press a much higher weight, but done together the hand position makes this hard

29 August, 2012

Spring comes early

Another great day - wish I could hang out at home....

Well yesterday I started the day at 89.1kg which was my number from Saturday morning...  so maintaining that over the weekend and into beginning of week was a good effort considering the food etc that I consumed

Yesterdays WOD
Muscle workout and a small AMRAP

Muscle WOD
- Deadlifts 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 - 3 progressing to maximum

I started at 80kg and worked it up to 125kg - a new PB, very cool

6 min AMRAP finisher
- 10 Lunges with 15kg plate held above head
- 10 Breaking Push Ups

Managed 7 rounds - a good sweat up to close the Crossfit class

I'm writing this up the next day and I did a small 4km run this morning as my butt and inside leg muscles are feeling yesterdays workout. (and I did a 6km run yesterday morning as well plus the game of hockey the night before - obsessed - nah !!)

This morning weight 88.5 - so looking for another drop for tomorrow....

27 August, 2012

A beautiful day - to sweat...

Weather might actually be on the turn for the better
I could walk to Crossfit (lunchtime) in just my shirt (as in no need for a jacket)

WOD AQAP 20minutes
-  1000m run
then 21 - 15 - 9 of
- Kettle Bell swings 24kg
- Toes to bar
- 300 single skips (cause I can't do 100 Double Unders yet...)

My time 17.45
This one is a big workout on the wrists and fore-arms.  gripping the bar for the ToesToBar is difficult after doing the KB Swings.  Your hands are having to do a lot of gripping

The 1000m run gets the heart rate up and then the 21-15-9 just keeps it up there, and then absolutely finished off with skipping!!!

Still - good stuff

24 August, 2012

Another great Friday Finisher...

Todays weight 88.5 again !!!

WOD - AQAP 30min cut off
- 30 Walking Lunges
- 30 Pull Ups
- 30 Box Jumps (20")
- 30 Double Unders (I did the 100 Single skip option)
- 30 Ring Dips (I did the 30 Box Dips with feet on Med Ball)
- 30 Knees to Elbow
- 30 Ab Mat Situps
- 30 Medicine Ball Cleans against wall 8kg ball
- 30 Swimmers
- 30 Wall Balls (Squat and throws- up 12 feet)
- 3 15ft Rope Climbs (I managed 2 and then did one of the optional 30m bear crawl)

My Time 23.44 - A great work out

That wa the first time for rope climbs.  I did nearly 2 during the warmup and by the end of the WOD I didn't have enough strength left in my arms to do all 3 - but 2 was fantastic!!

23 August, 2012

bloody impossible...

well nearly - we are told it can be done but only by the "pros"

Todays WOD AMRAP 10 minutes
- 60 Burpees over bar
- 30 OH Squats (Rx 55kg for men 40kg for women)
- 10 Muscle Ups

Not a chance !!!!
My scaled version
- 60 Burpees - OK
- 30 Overhead Squats 30kg
- 6 Pull ups + 6 Box Dips = One Muscle Up

NO ONE FINISHED !!!! AMRAP - they're having a laugh...
I nearly got to 2 Muscle Up equivalents

The Burpee involved jumping over the bar as you clapped above your head - that alone took more than 6 minutes.  I managed the OH Squats in 2 lots of 15 - I probably could have done 40kg on this

Anyway - it was fun and nice to see how it killed everyone. 

Weight today 88.5  (Seems Thursday is a day where not much changes from Wednesday)

22 August, 2012

Now its wednesday

Yesterdays (Tuesday) WOD
15 Min AMRAP
- 5 Pull Ups - Strict
- 10 Box Dips  (Rx was Ring Dips)
- 15 Sit Ups

Got through 7 complete rounds and nearly finished the eighth
I was a funny feeling session....

Now its Wednesday.  Had great plans to getup and go for a run, but fell asleep straight after turning my alarm off - so Not today

Weight this morning 88.5 - Good...

Lunchtime CrossFit
AQAP - 3 rounds - 12min cut off
- 5 Thrusters 40kg (Rx was 45kg)
- 10 Kettle Bell Swings 24kg
- 5 Thrusters 40kg
- 10 Kettle Bell Swings 24kg

(yes - it's actually 6 rounds of 2 of those.... - anyway, that's what was written down)
My time 7.05
I should have Rx'd it - but my shoulder was feeling weird and better to keep inside my known capability

21 August, 2012

Good - my weight on the way down (Again...)

Played hockey last night, and ate sensibly...

So weight this morning 89.4 - Had planned to get up early for a run - but still feeling a little yuck from the big drinking in the weekend.

Booked a Crossfit for this lunchtime....

20 August, 2012

Not today Josephine!

But I did go Friday and Saturday.

My weight Friday morning was the same as Thu 88.4 - but today 89.9 !!!!

Why - well I went along to a mid-life stag do where drinking lots of beer was in...
I think I put away about 9 pints - probably over 5 litres of beer  SHIT

I knew I was going so I laid off the food big time, and Sunday - well I was nicely hung over so didn't feel like much anyway....
Back on the food and drink wagon.

Saturdays WOD was a grinder...
400m fast as you can - this got us into teams of 2
10min AMRAP (I was teamed up with Nicci - young fit etc)
- 10 Thrusters 40kg for me / 25kg for Nicci
- 10 push ups
- 2 Burpees

We managed 9 rounds - It was a killer on the shoulders

Then to finish - Another 400m sprint
One min Burpees of death
1km warm down run...

16 August, 2012

Barbell Complex

Well - first thing - a 6km run this morning, felt good as haven't run all week due to pissing down weather

Weight - 88.4kg - that feels better

Todays Crossfit class
WOD 10 "Bear" complexes

- Power Clean
- Front Squat
- Push Press (Front)
- Back Squat
- Push Press (Back)

I used a 45kg bar and finished it in 8.11  took my time, as my technique not too good in transitioning to each action...

15 August, 2012

Arms shaking after that one

Well - my weight fluctuating - 89.6 ...

Todays WOD was a real mix up

3 parts to it

1. 5min AMRAP  (I managed 4)
- 5 Handstand pushups
-15 Wall Ball

3min rest

2. 5min AMRAP (I managed 5)
- 5 box tricep dips with feet up on a ball
- 15 Kettle Bell swings (I used 20kg KB)

3 min rest

3. 5min AMRAP (I managed 3.5)
- 5 Pull Ups (Strict)
- 15 Situps (full crossfit version)

The last AMRAP was hard as my hands were shaking from holding the kettle bell.  I did the pull ups with a green band

14 August, 2012

Last third of the 21 day challenge

Well its the start of the last third (7 days) of the 21 day challenge that I decided to put myself on

Argh - I didn't stay disciplined over the weekend...  Although I thought I would have been OK.
I did put back a few glasses of wine on Friday/Saturday and Sunday nights - but didn't eat more than I usually do...
I didn't get a run in on Monday morning and weighed in at 90.1 - yep a little depressed at that

Did Crossfit class at lunchtime yesterday and a game of hockey last night.  Ate left over lamb roast (yes with the veges as well) for both lunch and tea - This morning I was feeling a bit tired still so didn't get up early
Weighed in at 89.2
Anyway - I still have 1.5kgs to lose to get to where I was at the end of last week nd I DO want to be further on than that when I get to the end of 21 days (next monday).  So better start planning on a disciplined weekend

Yesterdays WOD
15min AMRAP
9 Deadlifts 75kg
12 Pushups
15 Box jumps 24inch

and yes these were the Rx numbers - while I was the slowest getting through this I was happy that I didn't need to scale this one. I did 5 complete rounds, and was within 5 box jumps of completing the 6th !!!!

10 August, 2012

Muscle day - BackSquats and Press

Plenty of grunt today

Its hard to gauge what weight I should be doing when I can't remember by PBs

Anyway it was a good Crossfit session

Back Squats 3 sets of 5 plus a "til failure"
Press 3 sets of 5 plus a "til failure"

The bar was on the rack so no lifting from the ground
With the back squats I got it to 80kgs and the final set I got 8 reps in
The press 45kgs and final set of 8

Weight this morning 87.7kg

09 August, 2012

Rx'd it - Just

Rx - refers to the "full prescription"  (as in not scaled back...)

I'm typing this about 30min afterwards and my hands/arms are still shaking and my legs feel dead!!

I just sneaked in under the time limit too...

AQAP 3 rounds (20 min cut-off)
200m sprint carrying medicine ball
20 24" box jumps
20 Kettle Bell swings (24kg)
20 Thrusters - 20kg (thats squat and then raise bar above head

My time 19.24
(Fastest guy was in under 11 min) - Well - I am 49 years OLD

Weight this morning 88.3 - up .4 from yesterday - I did quite a bit of red meat and more apples than normal...  Anyway the run this morning(6km) plus this WOD today nd the salad I'm just starting should put be back on downwards path...


08 August, 2012

Are my arms still attached?

Mid-week and my arms feel like they have been pulled away from body!!

I'll be back at Crossfit tomorrow but I'm wondering if I will survive.

Today's WOD looked straight forward, but as usual first look alwys fools

AQAP (12min cutoff)
12 - 15 - 9
Push Press - I used 40kg
Toes to Elbows

The gripping the bar and getting the toes up was hard!!
I could have lifted more than 40kg but my arms/shoulders are feeling weary

Weight this morning: 87.9

07 August, 2012

Worthy of a post on its own


Well it was a big day exercise wise yesterday - the run at 6.00am, Crossfit at 12.15, then a game of hockey at 7.20pm - the thighs were feeling very shredded last night.

This morning - I had already decided that a small lie in would be beneficial and on waking my shoulders were feeling yesterdays WOD...

BUT, there's more...

Jumped on scales - 87.9 !!!

Very motivational!

06 August, 2012

Monday WOD with Coach Ken

Got a good sweat on

5 rounds (20 min cut-off - but not for time - Just Quality!!)
10 Snatch Push Press (bar on shoulders behind head, wide grip and then push up) 40kg
10 metres Lunges with 20kg above head
10 metres Broad Jumps

Rx for the snatch push press was 60kg - so still working my way towards that

Still feeling muscle weary/sore...

Start of the second week.  The Friday WOD is living on in me... The muscles around my shoulders are still sore.
Didn't weigh myself over the weekend.
Went skiing on Saturday - went hard for half a day, best snow so far this year.  Knackered.  Ate reasonably well, until the rugby game that evening where I drank a few too many beers and snacked on chips,nuts etc
Oh well...

Sunday I was back on the "wagon".  Ate an egg and bacon breakfast around 11.00 then had just apples and a handful of nuts as snacks through to tea time.  We had so many left overs from the last 3 days, we didn't have to cook any tea.  So I had some beef bourguignon and roast veges re-heated - very yummy. About 45min of Squash with Michele and then a couple of glasses of wine before getting to bed

This morning (like last week) I got up and went for a 6km run.  I'll do the Crossfit class at lunchtime.  I also have a game of hockey tonight - SHIT !!

Anyway - the good news.  Scales said 88.6kg this morning (2.7kg loss in a week - I'm happy with that)

03 August, 2012

Friday finisher...

Friday seems to be an intense workout day - aerobic...

First thing though - Weigh in this morning 89.2kg - same as yesterday - got to be careful

20min of a WOD called "Chelsea"  (nb: many of the WODs have names)
5 Pullups
10 Pushups (breaking)
15 Air Squats

Start a round on every minute- I got to 10 rounds (10 minutes)
Then a rest minute, then we got to carry on at scale
4 - 8 - 12 of the above.
So for the remaining 9 minutes I smashed them out at 4-8-12 etc

What did that work out to be:
86 Pullups
172 Pushups
258 Air Squats

Whats an Air Squat?  A squat without a weight....

02 August, 2012

Good and intense!

Hi again,

Well managed a short run this morning 4.0km - legs feeling tired from this week already

AND - went to Crossfit at lunchtime

Todays WOD  AQAP 20min cutoff
100 Double Unders (DUs)  This is skipping.  the scaled version was 250 single skips!!
20 - 16 - 12 - 8  - 4  Overhead Squats
20 - 16 - 12 - 8  - 4 Toes to Bar
100 (DUs)  The scaled version was 250 single skips!!

I haven't mastered DUs yet so single skips it was - 500 in all!!!
The Overhead squats were a big sets - I did this with 30kgs
Time: 16.14 

Weight:  89.2 - good!

01 August, 2012

A new month

OK - I have managed to do 15 Crossfit classes in each of the previous months.  Yes the first month was short as I only started on the 8th of June.  The beginning of July was buggered due to illness.

So, here is hoping the August goes smoothly

Todays WOD
10 rounds for time  (AQAP with 15 minute cut-off)
The rounds were a falling number 10 - 9 - 8 - 7 - etc
Front Squat 45kgs
Kettle Bell Swing 16kg

Nutted it out in 9min 22sec - massive sweat on.  Then coach had a us do a cruel finisher Burpees and Wall Throws....

Crossfit was at lunchtime - and this morning I did another 6km run roughly 35min

oh - and the weight this morning 89.8kg  on track...