25 July, 2012

Muscle week continues....

My arms feel like they are being pulled from their sockets

Todays WOD was short and intense, and following on from the last two days made it tough
 7 min AMRAP
3 Power Cleans
6  24" box jumps
9 Breaking Pushups

I managed 4 rounds.  I had put 55kgs on the bar, figuring that I had managed 70kg Cleans yesterday.  But as part of the warmup we had done 3 sets of max Strict Pullups - so shoulders were getting weary already

On my 2nd round I started to struggle with the Power Clean and a dodgy technique meant I dropped the bar against my torso giving my back a twinge - yeow!!

The caoch talked me through what I needed to do and I got through the next 2 rounds concentrating on the "dropping under the bar" and getting those feet out and squatting down - Still not that good at this and until I get this sorted the weight will stay low.

As it was only 7 min - we did a few finisher shuttle sprints

YES - I JUMPED ON THE SCALES - 90.3kg...  Feels like starting again...

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