31 July, 2012

Disgusted, but more committed

The battle with my eating has been a depressing episodic!  One week big improvements then a couple of days where my determination is screwed and a few wines/beers and I'm binge eating the breads/rice etc - and the kgs go back on

OK - So what am I doing - 1. writing my goals down, 2. Sharing the goals with those eat home so they know

The goals: 1. 82 kg maintainable weight 2. Run a half marathon, 3. Rx the Crossfit WODs
This will be hard, but its achievable even for this 49year old man!!
Yesterday I weighed in at 91.3 - Today 90.4  - lost 900grams  - I ate better - NO BREAD, NO RICE
Had a lighter lunch - a quasi Ceasar Salad

Food wise - No BREAD/PIZZA - No SUGAR
There will be a small amount of give and take on this.  Food tonight is Nachos (Mince/tomato sauce on corn chips and cheese)  I am wondering how to handle this meal - probably need it to be just the mince sauce and a salad....I'll keep thinking about it

CrossFit yesterday and a 6km run - so I did keep the metabolism firing which would helped

Yesterdays WOD - 5 Rounds AQAP (12 min time limit)
5 24" box jumps (Rx was 30" - I'm not there yet...)
10 Situps
15 Pull Ups (Kipping with Blue Band)

Knocked it out in 9.00 min - A good sweat.
The Coach explained that this WOD was all about getting the heart rate up and holding it up - no resting.  It worked

I do want to get the Kipping Pull Ups going without a Band but hat wasn't the WOD to try it on (advice from Coach)


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