10 July, 2012

WTF scales

A good Crossfit class this morning, but the shock came later

So I started my better eating routine yesterday
Eggs for breakfast (no toast), couple of apples during the day
Some sushi for luch, sitting with my Dad beside his bed in hospital
Played hockey last night
Did eggs again for tea, then had a couple of glasses of wine and some potato chips/crisps (oops!)
and the bloody scales this morning said 93.4 !@#$%^&*
Maybe I'm retaining stuff....

OK - todays 6.00am class

After the warmup we did a Deadlift routine 7 sets of 3 lifts over 15 mins  We could increase the weight as we did each set (a set every 2 minutes)
Cool !!! - I increased my lift weight up to 110kg  120% of bodyweight (shutup)

Then a 10min finisher
20kg plate thrusters on a falling number 10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
with 20 DU skips in between (or if scaled then 70 single skips)

Well I had a shitty skipping rope that lost its shape and kept catching my foot - and doing 70 single skips does soak up time specially if you have to keep resetting....

So today I was a DNF - got down to the number 3.... a bit bummed at that, but not the only DNF

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