14 July, 2012

Black Friday yesterday

Turned out to be a nice sorta day for Friday 13th

Got up early and did a 4km run
Weighed in at 91.4 Usual breakfast. 2 egg omelette with mushrooms and coffee

Did a Crossfit class at lunchtime. It was good, see below

Had lunch with a friend from Australia, ate a Ceaser salad- very nice Spent up large to cook a nice meal for my partner. Eye fillet wrapped in bacon, potatoe wedges baked, and a big green salad. Yummy

This morning(Sat 14th), jumped on scales.... 90.5 good eating pays off

Friday WOD 10 rounds AQAP, with 15 minute cutoff

3 cleans
6 24" box jumps
9 reclining ring pull ups. This was instead of the Rx Rope climb that I haven't developed the skill for yet

At the 15 min mark I had done 7 rounds. The cleans I did with 50kg

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