17 July, 2012

...and todays was HARDER!!!

Shit a brick!  the WOD was a heart stopper...

argh - back to the beginning - Got up early and did that 4km run I did last week - took a minute off the time - cool.  And this felt good even though I played hockey last night

Weight this morning 89.3 - another great day shaping up

Booked in the lunchtime Crossfit class
WOD 5 rounds AQAP (25min cut-off)
-20m walking lunges holding 15kg plate above head
-21 Burpees to plate (full burpee and jump on plate and clap above head - that shit was tough)

Did it in 19:38 min  Heart rate was through the roof.  Had to break burpees into sets of 7 to get through each round

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