23 July, 2012

So - back onto the weight thingy..

A good 20 min AQAP WOD this morning

I didn't get it finished in the 20min
30 OH Squats - I did this with 35kgs (Rx was 40 !!)
30 Chest to Bar
30 Power Snatch (From ground to above head in one movement) 35kgs
30 Toes to bar - at this point looking at the clock I dropped back to 20 reps
30 Sumo Power lifts 35kgs (wide legs pull bar up to below chin - quick) (20 reps)
30 Medicine Ball Squats (squat and shunt ball up the wall) (I did 20)
30 Kettle Bell Swings) ( I got to about 8...TIME!!)

Eating and drinking a bit too much over the weekend - Didn't weigh myself,, but back on the wagon today and will weigh in tomorrow

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