24 July, 2012

Seems we have a muscle week, maybe?

Todays WOD was Cleans
7 sets, with these reps 5,5,3,3,3,1,1
Start at a lower weight and keep adding to achieve a maximum
I start ed with 40kg and finished with 70kg - I'm happy with this being my first time at setting a max for the Clean

What's a Clean.  Its the "clean" part of the Clean and Jerk Olympic weight lifting
The trick is getting enough momentum on the bar going up so that you can get underneath it in a full squat position and then up to standing.

I used to think I could never do this with the dodgy knees I have, BUT if done correctly then the muscles are doing the work and not the joints!!!

And no weight to report as I forgot to jump on scales

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