23 October, 2012

WOD "Nicole"

Long weekend -  A nice break, but.... my weight has gone up to 89.8kgs, so back to watching it like a hawk

Crossfit Class this morning

Strength Session
3 Sets of 5 reps Push-Press
After warmup I started on 50kg, then 55 and finished on 60kg

WOD 'Nicole'  AMRAP 20min
- 400m Run
- As many pullups as possible

The catch with this is that every time you drop from the bar - you do a 400m run...
I wrote up my Pullups each time I dropped
10 - 10 - 6 - 6 - 6 - 6 - 2 = 46
Not the lowest in the class - BUT I did Rx them - the feeling of doing this without the band was cool !!

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