16 October, 2012

A run...

When there isn't an expectation to be at the gym by a certain staring time then getting out of bed is difficult...

I set the alarm for the usual 5.30am but didn't crawl out until 5.47  so that put me a little behind the schedule.

Put my running gear on etc and drove up to the Sign of the Takahe.  It was warmer up there.  We had a mild frost around the house so I was thankful for the decision to run from up the hill.

Ran the Harry Ell track.  My legs were feeling the Squats we had done yesterday.  So the run was steady but easy.  Bumped into an old client from 25 years ago and chatted to him for about 10-15 minutes so was very rested 2/3rds of the way into it.  But late home...

Run was about 42minutes (deducting the say 12 minutes for the chat)

Weight this morning 88.8kg  Same as yesterday - probably due to the Sushi I ate for tea - too much rice...
The Sushi didn't make me feel that great and I was looking for more food later.

Lamb and salad for tea tonight so much better

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