11 October, 2012

Grabbed a Thursday class

Last night I started thinking about what exercise was in front of me and wondering if a run in the morning would be a good thing when I have a game of Hockey in the evening (12+hours later)
ummm - nah, not such a good idea for my legs,

So, decided to grab another Crossfit Class at 6.00am this morning

What an interesting class....

Strength session

3 Sets of 5 reps Power Cleans

WOD - A 3 part, each part 5 min with a 2 min rest between parts
Part 1
5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1
- Clean (full clean with squat)  Rx was 90% of BW  I did 60kg 67%... nearly 70% :-)

Part 2
5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1
- Hang Clean - I lowered the weight for this 50kg  (It was a bit heavy in part 1 and my technique was shit)
- Burpees

Part 3
 5 - 4 - 3 - 2 - 1
- Press Over Head (get the weight up then press it over head)
- Knees To Elbow KTE

I finished them all within the 5.  The weight probably should have been 55kg which would have been more challenging for part 2 and 3

Weight this morning  89.2kg  In 4 days dropped 2.3kgs  

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