30 October, 2012

punishing the soreness

With some trepidation I went to Crossfit this morning.

Back up a bit...  I was up at 4.30am this morning to get my sister to a flight to Melbourne and then she goes on to Launceston in Tasmania - Home.  She has been visiting my Father for a few days (long story - another blog...)

So I had nearly an hour to kill before the 6.00am class - botton line I'm very tired, sitting here at my work thinking I will have a small sleep this afternoon.

Back to the CF

Strength Session - Push Press 3 Set 3 Reps
Warmed up to 50kg, then 55, and finished on 60kg

Surprisingly my muscles started to work and the soreness slowly ebbed away

WOD - AQAP 5 rounds
- 5 Burpee Box Jumps 24inch
- 5 HSPU (or scale option 4 Wall Climbs) - I did the scale

My time 8.36

My knee is sore still from Saturday - like a bruise under the patella but I know that what it is is Patella Femoral Syndrome, or at least partly that.

Weight this morning.... 91.0kgs again (same as yesterday)  Need to watch closely what I eat

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