18 October, 2012

Kettle Bell and Box Jumps

Very sweaty WOD today...

Strength session was Overhead Squats 3 Sets of 3 Reps
I must write my Personal Records down cause I can't remember them once I'm there

Anyway it was nice to come back to the office and this blog and see that my OH Squat record ws 55kg and I think that was a One-Rep and getting the bar from the rack.

We had to do these from the floor, so you use up a bit of energy just getting the bar to the overhead position
Today I started at 45kg, then 50 and finished with 55kg  The last rep was a little wobbly but it was all the way down and back up...

WOD - AQAP 3 rounds
-10 Box Jumps 24inch box
- 20 Kettle Bell Swings 24kg
- 30 Double Unders (or 60 Singles for scale - which is what I did)

My time 9.08

My weight again this morning was 88.8kg  I think my scales are playing games with my head....

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