10 October, 2012

Really getting it now

Another great class this morning

The work outs are as hard as you make them etc and while I do feel them, the recovery time is shorter now

A good warmup - A set of drills...

Strength Set (2 parts)
6 Sets of 3 reps Overhead Squats - emphasis on good technique so ease off the weight and get down
I got the weight to 45kgs and the squat was well down - had to watch my left knee popping

Good Mornings - 10 sets of 3 reps with basically the bar weight 20kg
Backs of legs were feeling it at the end

WOD 4 mins AMRAP with a twist
- 400m run (once only)
- as many Dead Lifts at 80% of body weight in the time remaining (72.5kg)

Got the height rate up.  The run felt really good and I had lots of energy to throw into the dead-lifts
Managed 33 Dead Lifts   Sweet !

Weight this morning 89.8 (actually same as yesterday).  I did take Tim to movies last night and had some KFC for tea after 9.00pm  oops

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