24 October, 2012

Good skill session

After the warmup...

Started with a session on Snatch Squat.  Get the bar off the racking, then from behind the neck (like a back squat) push thrust up and drop.  Hold in the squat position and come up.

The idea was to get used to the balancing at the squat position after the thrust and drop movement - all good stuff

Strength WOD - 5 sets of 3 reps - Power Snatch
Teamed up with Andy - 50kg had me maxed out - otherwise the form would have been very ugly

WOD - AQAP 3 rounds
- 5 Box Jumps Rx is 30inch,  but I'm not quite there yet so 24inch
- 10 Power Cleans 50% of Best Clean.  My best clean is 70kg - but I went with 40kg for this

A quick WOD - 3.22

Argh - Weight still 89.8 this morning....

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