29 October, 2012

Last Saturday - OMG !!

If I thought having rest day Friday and popping a long for a GPP1 Class (Entry-level) was going to be a good start to the weekend.....

There are 2 8.00am classes on a Sat Morning.  A GPP1 and a GPP2/3 class.  I usually do GPP2/3 classes having been doing Crossfit for enough months to know the techniques - So I'm a GPP2 level person gaining more strength as I head towards being able to RX the various WOD programs

OK - So the GPP1 program as written up on the whiteboard looked interesting, so much so that the GPP2/3 class suggested that they wanted to do that program as well as there's looked a little boring...

So the coaches got together and decided to combine, BUT, Coach Pete upped the reps for our WOD !!!
The reps went from 150 to 200 !!!  We were doing this in teams of two, even so, 200 reps shared between two people is still a lot

Here it is....  AQAP  "Angies Little Helper" as a team
200 Pull Ups
8 Burpees
200 Push Ups
6 Burpees
200 Sit Ups
4 Burpees
200 Air Squats
2 Burpees

Each team member had to be tagged in as we shared the exercise
I was teamed up with Maree Bowden - Ex Canterbury Tactix Netball captain - VERY FIT
She pushed me - and when I started to go for the band on the Pull Ups she stopped me and made me carry on.
We were allowed to assist with the Pull Ups - So I could push Maree up from here waist as she kipped up on the pull ups and she did same for me.

Our time 30min 55sec - I felt like throwing up at the end....

Now I'm writing this post on Monday morning - a full two days later - I'm still very sore....

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