19 October, 2012

The Friday Finisher - Finished me!

Last 24 hours - lots of exercise....

Hockey last night at 9.15pm under lights.  Meant I didn't home until 10.45 and then after shower it was into bed well after 11.  We only have the bare 11

Up at 5.30am again this morning to make the 6.00am Cross-fit Class

a games like warmup - a bit of fun

Then a Birthday WOD for Rob - so we had a minute of pull-up Burpees - Sounds short but its hard.

Main WOD - tw0 parts

Part One AQAP - 3 rounds
- 10 Chest To Bar (CTB)
- 10 Front Squats 45kg  (Rx was 75% of BW - I'm along way off being able to do that)
- 10 Burpees

My time 7.58

Then 5 minutes rest
Part Two 3 rounds of 2 minutes doing
- 10 Thrusters 35kg
- As many Pull Ups as you can do in the remaining time (I managed 15 each round) 
Well I did 15 the first round so made sure I did the same - Total of 45 Pullups pretty good - I scaled with the Red Band - Last step before doing these Rx

My Weight - Well finally the scales moved  87.6 so in 12 days I have dropped 3.9kg

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