08 October, 2012

Enjoying the Oly Bar lifts

"Oly" - yeah an abbreviation of Olympic Standard Bar.
Although there are different sizes - essentially it's a 20kg bar of a particular size etc that you can put your hands around and is strong enough to put massive weights on the end of....

So, doing bar exercises usually means a starting weight of 20kg....

Todays WOD

First part - Maximum single rep Snatch
Got up to 57.5 kgs - lots to remember as you explode the weight upwards and dive under it...

Second part
AMRAP 9 min
- 1 Power Snatch (75% of max single Snatch - as worked out above)
- 1 Bar facing Burpee (Thats a burpee that finishes with you juming over the bar as you clap above your head...)
- 2 Power Snatches
- 2 Bar facing Burpees
- 3 ...,, then 4..., 5 etc

I go all through 7 rounds plus the 8 power snatches - using 40kgs - Yes I should have done 43kg...so shoot me !

My weight - Well - I am back into Paleo eating.
Yesterday morning 91.5kg SHIT !!!
This morning 90.3kg  Cool start....

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