13 June, 2013

Was it an easier day at the box?

um - no!

Strength WOD to strat
Floor Press 5 - 5 - 5 - 3 - 3 - 3  3RM
worked my way up to 80kg - didn't write down what I had done previous... so it's a PB!!!

Met-con WOD 10 RFT  (20min cut)
- 4 DB snatches with no second lift
- 4 DB Thrusters
- 4 DB rows single arm (8 in total)
- repeat 4 DB snatches with no second lift
Yep that got hard - tried to stay on the minute, but after 5 rounds needed a longer rest then I could bust out the rest
Time: 10.58

Weight: 89.6

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