17 June, 2013

and we have more rain...

Weight Saturday morning 88.6 - a good start
Of course I didn't let that stop me from downing a bottle of pinot on my own Saturday night, plus a big bowl of seafood chowder etc

And on Sunday - lunch with mum and sisters (big sausage roll!!) and last night a couple of bread rolls, orange juice, too many flat whites etc etc

weight this morning 89.9 !! - OK target this week - get into the 87.? numbers

No exercise this weekend - spent time with Michele

Monday:  3 part WOD
1. 15min to get 1RM Snatch - nearly got my 60kg - got 55kg easily - bugger

2. 30 pistol squats each leg - assisted by a band

3. 5 sets of 5 reps PU+TTB   - a nice finisher

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