28 June, 2013

Fun day Friday

Easy as WOD this morning - should have pushed myself harder, but some days it's enough to be there...

- 20 Kettle Bell swings 24/16 - I used 20kg (I do need to get into the 24kg KBs)
- 400m Run (2 run WODs in one week - starting to get my running back...)

6 rounds

Weight 88.8 !!  (Protein shakes during the day are possibly working for me) Ate a Homemade Burger for tea (yes bread) plus a few chippies as a snack...

27 June, 2013

Ok - my scales are having a laugh

10 sets of 1 rep Snatch Clean  to find 1RM
moved it up to 70kg and got 4 lifts on that weight - 2 reasonable ones and 2 very bad
It's about this weight that I have to stay until I get the "diving under the bar" sorted, and comfortable

Then we did some Bulgarian Lunges - they are deceptively hard - used 10kg DBs for weight

Weight (well bugger me) 89.4 - thats a 1.5kg improvement in one day!!!

26 June, 2013

Did I lift?

- 5 Deadlift (rx 120 / 90kg)  I used 90kg
- 5 TTB

managed 10 rounds (90kg got heavy after a while...)

Weight : bloody scales 90.9!!! they must be all fucked up - Wouldn't put on 1.5kg in a day

25 June, 2013

Good WOD this morning - ran a bit..

Well, I tried running for the first in ages - still a small niggle but it hasn't come to anything yet

Goat session to start
I did OH Squats - built up to 40kg and 6 reps - not too hard - I want to get used to a better squatting position with a weight overhead

WOD - 3 RFT  (20min cut)
- 400m run
- 30 Box Jumps 24"
- 30 Wall Balls 9kg

I did mostly step up box jumps - as I could get a rhythm going

time 16.25

Weight 89.4 ...

24 June, 2013

Last week of June...Snow arrived last week

Quiet weekend due to weather not letting us do anything much

Went to Oly Class at the gym Saturday

Todays WOD - Strength
Floor Press 3 - 3 - 3 - 1 - 1 - 1 get to 1RM
Worked it up to 90kg  very cool

then an endurance met-con
- 8 DB muscle snatch
- 8 Bent Over Rows
- 8 Good Morning + Push Press (These were a bastard)
- 8 Front Squat

I used 12.5kg DB - bloody hell.  finished 16.25

Weight 89.4

21 June, 2013

Benchmark "Cindy"

Month ago I did Cindy - 14 rounds...

Today 15 rounds plus an extra 5 PU's

"Cindy" 20min AMRAP
- 5 Pull Ups
- 10 Push Ups
- 15 Air Squats

Weight: 89.0

20 June, 2013

Leg day...

Back Squats today plus other shit

Back Squat 5 - 5- 5 - 3 - 3 - 3
Built up to 3RM of 110kg  nice

DB Press while lying on back in an air bridge position (weird) 5 sets of 10
Used various weights - finished with 20kg DBs and a max rep set of 17

Turkish Getups  3 sets of 2min to do 5 each arm
Used a 16kg Kettle Bell - bitch of an exercise

Weight: 89.3

19 June, 2013

missing in action...

Now Wednesday - I missed the Tuesday update - my bad!!


WOD: RFT (21- 15 - 9)  18min cut
- 400m run
- 21 Hang clean then thruster
- 400m run
- 15 Hang clean then thruster
- 400m run
- 9 Hang clean then thruster

Coach looked at the weight we put on the bar - made us do a front squat - if too easy then RX !!
mmm so RX for me - 50kg !!
Thighs were hurting the next day
I think my time was 17.20 - I finished last geez

Weight 89.7


WOD: AMRAP 20min cut
- 20 Push Ups
- 60 Double Unders

Woop woop - I Rx'd it DU's all the way - 5 complete rounds plus the 6th PU's plus about 15 DU's

Weight: 89.4

17 June, 2013

and we have more rain...

Weight Saturday morning 88.6 - a good start
Of course I didn't let that stop me from downing a bottle of pinot on my own Saturday night, plus a big bowl of seafood chowder etc

And on Sunday - lunch with mum and sisters (big sausage roll!!) and last night a couple of bread rolls, orange juice, too many flat whites etc etc

weight this morning 89.9 !! - OK target this week - get into the 87.? numbers

No exercise this weekend - spent time with Michele

Monday:  3 part WOD
1. 15min to get 1RM Snatch - nearly got my 60kg - got 55kg easily - bugger

2. 30 pistol squats each leg - assisted by a band

3. 5 sets of 5 reps PU+TTB   - a nice finisher

14 June, 2013

Argh - Should have gone bigger

The WOD today was deceiving...

WOD - 3 RFT (20 min cut)
- 5 Power Cleans
- 5 TTB
- 5 Front Squats
- 5 TTB
- 5 Dead Lifts
- 5 TTB

I went with 50kg on the bar which in hindsight was too light
Finished in 10.33  Was worried about impact of all those TTB - which weren't too bad - should have done it with 60 or 65g

Weight: 89.0

13 June, 2013

Was it an easier day at the box?

um - no!

Strength WOD to strat
Floor Press 5 - 5 - 5 - 3 - 3 - 3  3RM
worked my way up to 80kg - didn't write down what I had done previous... so it's a PB!!!

Met-con WOD 10 RFT  (20min cut)
- 4 DB snatches with no second lift
- 4 DB Thrusters
- 4 DB rows single arm (8 in total)
- repeat 4 DB snatches with no second lift
Yep that got hard - tried to stay on the minute, but after 5 rounds needed a longer rest then I could bust out the rest
Time: 10.58

Weight: 89.6

12 June, 2013

You mad "Karen"

They dished up a "Karen" today with a vicious twist...

WOD "Karen" 25min cut
- 150 Wall Balls
- 150m Bear Crawl (arghhh)

my time 15.30 - not quick - I did WBs in sets of 10 from the get-go - I was second last off this
The bear crawl worked out well and I passed a few...

Weight 89.6

11 June, 2013


Todays WOD - "Barbara"
A shorter version - only 3 rounds for time
- 20 PullUps
- 30 Push Ups
- 40 Situps
- 50 Squats
- 1 min rest

my time 20.20

Weight: 89.4 !!

10 June, 2013

PR for Front Squat

Very Cool!!

Strength Session
WOD 1:  1RM Front Squat
3 - 3- 3 - 1 - 1- 1
Built it up - started the 3 rep set at 70kg then 80, 85 (better than previous 3RM)
1RM started at 90, 95, then finished on 100kg  Awesome and technique felt good

WOD 2:  100 Breaking Pushups for time (8min cut)
finished about 6.33

Weight: 90.4 - OK a good start for the week - target 88.?

07 June, 2013

Food balance not right...

Go home lat night and i was ravenous
Too few carbs during the day and I wanted biscuits, chips, muffin etc VERY BAD

Nice tea of pork chops with apples (some rice, broccoli and carrots)

Weight this morning 91.2 argh

WOD "Jack" - a hero WOD.  20min AMRAP
- 10 Push Press (rx 55kg) I did it with 40
- 10 24" box jumps
- 10 KB Swings I did t with 20kg (rx 24)  must get used to 24kg....

7 rounds - got started on 8th
massive sweat up

06 June, 2013

OK - Favourite Chicken pie for tea - so apologies to scales

Yep weight basically the same 91.5kg today

Wondering if a change in the coconut water(from Guruji) is causing some issues.  It has a different nutrient breakdown - more sodium/carbs.  Also yesterday didn't eat a lot during the day...

So today - more water, more protein, carbs nearer tea time

WOD One: 15min to find 1RM Squat Clean
focused on technique - so best good lift was 60kg

WOD Two: 30 Pistols
Nira had us use this time for pistol drills - one legged squat practice - Liked this

WOD Three: 4 sets of 10 TTB
Still need to work on the technique

05 June, 2013

WTF - Scales!!!

My clothes fit the same as last week...
But my scales say 91.3kg  I can't believe it!!!

WOD 3 RFT (20min cut)
- 500m row
- 21 Burpees
- 400m run

Well - I can't run or shouldn't is more correct - So I scaled it to skipping and timed myself off what Andy did

04 June, 2013

Short Week - Queens Birthday

So its Tuesday.

I did go to the Monday holiday WOD at 9.00
A Team exercise - like a usual Saturday
Long warmup then Wall Ball - Burpees 7 rounds 2min on/1min off
Teamed up with a young irishman Mike - we managed more than 30 Wallballs per round average

Today (Tuesday)

WOD 2 RFT  20 min cut off
- 75 DU's (I did the 225 singles - my DU's not quite there, but soon...)
- 50 OHS (Rx 45/30) I did the womens weight of 30kg
- 25 Pull Ups - did all these without scaling

time: 18.25

No weight this morning - I fear that all the eating M and I did this weekend will make the scales cry